Dadibou.MP. Memasuki bulan suci Ramdhan dan Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1441 H/2020 M, juga mengantisipasi dan mencegah Pandemi infeksi wabah Covid-19, Pemerintah Kabupaten Bima, mengeluarkan Himbauan kepada masyarakat Kabupaten Bima.
Himbuan itu ditandatangani Bupati Bima, Hj Indah Dhamayanti Putri SE, bernomor 451.15/027/03.2/2020, tentang Pelaksanaan Ibadah Ramadhan dan Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1441 H/2020 M,Upaya Menangkal dan Mencegah Penyebaran Virus Corona (Covid-19) di Kabupaten Bima.
Kabag Protokol dan Komunikasi Pimpinan Setda Bima,M Chandra Kusuma AP, mengatakan, Bupati Umi Dinda,melalui surat Himbauannya tersebut meminta agar masyarakat dapat memperhatikan fatwa MUI Pusat poin (3a).Bahwa dalam hal berada di suatu kawasan yang potensi penularan Covid tinggi atau sangat tinggi dan berdasarkan ketetapan pihak berwenang,maka boleh meninggalkan sholat jum’at dan menggantikannya dengan sholat dzuhur di rumah serta meninggalkan sholat berjamaah lima waktu/ Rawatib Tarawaih dan Ied di Masjid atau tempat umum lainya.
‘’Wilayah Kabupaten Bima dinyatakan tidak aman, tinggi terpapar Covid 19 (Zona merah),yang sudah ditetapkan Pemerintah Daerah,’’ujar Kabag,
Kamis, 23 April 2020.
Oleh karena itu,jelas Kabag Chandra,diminta umat islam menjalankan ibadah puasa dengan baik berdasarkan ketentuan Fiqih Ibadah.Sahur dan buka puasa dilakukan individu atau keluarga inti, tidak perlu sahur on the road dan ifthar jami’ (buka puasa bersama).
Sholat tarawih dilakukan secara individu atau berjamaah bersama keluarga inti di rumah. Peringatan Nujulul Qur’an dalam bentuk tablig dengan menghadirkan penceramah dan jamaah jumlah besar,baik lembaga Pemerintah, BUMN/BUMD,Organisasi Keagamaan dan Pengurus Masjid/Musholla ditiadakan.
Kemudian Safari Ramadhan, Sahur keliling dan takbir keliling ditiadakan. Takbir keliling cukup dilakukan di Masjid/Musholla dengan menggunakan pengeras suara. Pesantren kilat, pengajian dan ceramah agama ditiadakan kecuali melalui media elektronik.
‘’Untuk pelaksanaan sholat idul fitri 1 syawal 1441 H,lazimnya dilakukan secara berjamaah di masjid/ lapangan,diharapkan terbitnya fatwa MUI pada saat menjelang waktunya nanti ,’’lanjut mantan Camat Woha ini.
Kata Chandra,bagi warga yang ingin bersilaturahmi/halal bil halal pada hari raya idul fitri,bisa dilakukan melalui media sosial dan video call atau Video conference.Terhadap Pengumpulan zakat fitrah,ZIS (Zakat Infak dan Sedekah) dapat meminimalkan pengumpulan melalui kontak fisik, di tempat keramaian dan pembayaran zakat fitrah di awal Ramadhan,melalui Unit Pengumpul Zakat (UPZ) dan ditransfer pada Bank yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Baznas Kabupaten Bima.
Diminta ke Camat,Kepala Desa,Lebe Nae,Cepe Lebe dan pengurus masjid/ musholla melakukan pembatasan super ketat,terhadap keluar masuknya jama’ah dari luar daerah,sebelum mereka menjalani isolasi mandiri selama 14 hari,di bawah pengawasan petugas kesehatan (Dokter,Bidan,Perawat dan Bidan Desa).
Bupati, kata Kabag Prokopim ini,mengajak elemen masyarakat untuk senantiasa mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT,dengan memperbanyak taubat, beristigfar,membaca al-quran,doa dan dzikir, memperbanyak sedekah,agar terhindar dari wabah Covid.Juga melaksanakan Qunut Nazilah pada setiap sholat fardu.
‘’Himbauan tersebut akan dievaluasi kembali, setelah ada keputusan resmi Pemerintah Pusat dengan perkembangan Virus Corona,di wilayah Kabupaten Bima,’’imbuh Chandra. (PSB).
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Eye fillers are common for alleviating darkness under the eyes in the area known as the under-eye trough. In addition to knowing what products will work well for under-eye bags, it’s crucial that you know which ones to avoid. “The eyelid skin can be very sensitive, so it’s important to not use products unless they are formulated specifically for the eyelids,” Dr. Shafer warns. It’s also important to apply your topicals delicately, as the skin around the eyes and lids is extremely thin and aggressive application could actually result in skin sagging. It is important to understand that the eyelid skin and surrounding areas of the face are some of the most sensitive areas of the body, and unfortunately, Tear trough rejuvenation may not be ideal for every individual patient. Additionally, due to the delicate and complex anatomy around the eyes, not every injector who is able to pick up a syringe and perform facial filler injections is qualified with the specific knowledge and advanced technical experience necessary to perform this procedure appropriately and effectively.
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The TikTok sunburn blush trend that took over this summer is evolving this fall to deeper and darker colors. So, swap out those pink and grape tones for terracotta, brick, and peachy hues. To nail this look, apply blush to the apples of your cheeks. You can also go in with a heavy hand and apply it across the bridge of your nose and under your eyes as well. Of course, you’re welcome to use any kind of blush—powder, cream, or liquid. But, if you want to stay within the clean girl makeup aesthetic, cream or liquid blushes are your best bet. Violet blush is a statement, but in a cream formula it’s buildable to your makeup comfort level. Get ready to screenshot, besties. For Autumn 2021, we saw many variations of eyebrows sent down the runways of Paris and Milan—from bleached eyebrows at Balmain to effortless brows at Anna Sui. A well-groomed and neatly shaped brow is an easy way to bring out the best of your face’s features. Regardless of the architecture of your face, fuller eyebrows can dramatically change your appearance in a way that looks natural. While some turn to semi-permanent solutions like microblading, there are less committal options like brow pencils and pomades. Use feather-light strokes to mimic individual hairs for the most natural, real-life finish.
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Al momento non ci sono partite in Nations League Calcio. Ecco le quote dei giorni scorsi. Le quattro capoliste dei quattro gironi di Lega A – Croazia, Italia, Olanda e Spagna – si sono qualificate alla final four, così da dare vita a due semifinali e dunque alla finalissima per decretare la squadra vincitrice della Nations League 2022/2023. A febbraio 2023, il sorteggio. Di seguito vi proponiamo alcuni dei migliori bookmakers online per puntare sulle scommesse e quote Nations League 2022/2023. Abbiamo selezionato una serie di piattaforme web con il più ampio ventaglio di opzioni per scommettere. A seguire poi, l’Italia chiuderà il suo gruppo di Nations League a Budapest contro l’Ungheria: il match è in programma per lunedì 26 settembre alle ore 20.45. Probabilmente, anche quello sarà un vero e proprio scontro diretto. Come dimostra la classifica, gli ungheresi sono un avversario tutt’altro che da sottovalutare.
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Mesmo com uma grande atuação, Denivys não conseguiu evitar o gol da virada aos 32 minutos da etapa final. Após sofrer o segundo gol, o Cruzeiro ainda tentou pressionar o Tricolor Paulista, mas não foi o suficiente para reverter o resultado. Na terceira fase, o adversário será o Cruzeiro com data e horário ainda a serem confirmados pela Federação Paulista de Futebol. Cruzeiro-MG e Cuiabá-MT confirmaram o favoritismo e avançaram, seguindo vivos na briga pelo tão sonhado título da base. As duas equipes, inclusive, serão adversárias na terceira fase. O Cruzeiro confirmou a boa fase e é o primeiro classificado para à terceira fase da Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior 2023. A equipe, que avançou com 100% de aproveitamento na fase de grupos e com o melhor ataque, venceu o Paraupebas, 2º colocado do Grupo 9, por 3 x 1. A partida abriu a fase de mata mata do torneio. O time mineiro já conhece o adversário da próxima fase.
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Por Gabriela Maruyama Na reta final da temporada, os resultados movimentam cada vez mais a classificação do Brasileirão 2022. Nesta segunda-feira, 07 de novembro, a 36ª rodada no segundo turno chegou ao fim com disputas acirradas dentro de campo pela Libertadores e contra o rebaixamento. Confira como ficou a tabela atualizada. Fortaleza 0 x 0 Athletico-PR A partir do 5º colocado, cada posição ganha dois pontos a menos em relação ao colocado imediatamente anterior, chegando até os 108 pontos para a equipe que ficar na vigésima e última posição nos resultados da Série C. PLACAR FI: Confira TODOS os RESULTADOS deste DOMINGO! Por Gabriela Maruyama Oferta exclusiva Não houve jogos ontem de Brasileirão Série A de Futebol. Confira a lista dos últimos jogos. É a matéria que traz subsídios, dados históricos e informações relevantes para ajudar a entender um fato ou notícia.
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